Anytime is a good time to take care of yourself
When it comes to skincare, even though we say the earlier the better, it's never too late to start taking care of ourselves. Especially when you want to give your skin total TLC, tender loving care, it doesn't matter whether you are in your 40s, 50s, and yes in even your 60s! As humans, we react to aging quite differently. Depending upon our age it is a process that evokes mixed emotions. Aging affects everyone in a different manner, for instance, some signs of aging appear gradually while others need your prompt action immediately. While it is important to age in a healthy manner, we also need to take care of our skin. It is easier to take care of our skin with topical treatments since it is the first line of protection such as serums, creams, peels etc for most of us in our early twenties and thirties. But if you have crossed that threshold maybe, just maybe, it's time for you to look for more focussed alternatives. Well, if you fall in that zone, you have landed in the right place. Go ahead, read on to know more.
Aging influenced by factors
Most of the aging process is influenced by our ethnicity, race and genetics combined with our lifestyle and eating habits. However some of the most common signs of aging in the skin are - decreased skin elasticity due to loss of collagen and elastin, appearance of fine lines, laugh lines and wrinkles, darker pigmentation in certain areas, increase in pore size, thinning of the skin and a lot more. You can read more about the opinion of authorities on how aging affects the skin here. Here are a few remedial measures and corrective action you can take to ensure your skin is in the apt condition depending upon your age.Taking care of your skin in your 30s to 40s
The skin continues its lifelong cycle as long as we are alive. So it is only natural that after a certain age, the so-far regular and robust functions seem to pale and witness a downtrend. Along with hormonal imbalances, especially in women, this is when people also notice fine lines, appearance of wrinkles, discoloration and loss of collagen which leads to sagging skin structure. Usually we begin to notice the signs of aging in our 30s and 40s according to David Lortscher, MD and originator of a tele-dermatology practice. He goes on to add that the normal life pattern of the skin starts to wane which means that wrinkles, staining and drooping of skin happens. It is highly likely that hormonal changes and imbalances also contribute to trigger skin break-outs.
Let confidence be your second skin in 50s
Proceeding towards the 50s, women may feel that menopause has an adverse effect on the skin. Since menopause can accentuate the signs of aging, the skin tends to become dry and begins to sag due to loss of collagen and elastin. There are a number of other hidden issues that may also resurface such as undue and unprotected exposure to the sun in the past which may give rise to photo-aging related age-spots. In the 50s there are many alternatives to keep us looking younger. While Off the shelf products have their own utility and benefits, there are some procedures such as Microneedling that can have pronounced effect on your skin.